Friday, November 16, 2007

Thanksgiving is Coming

We are hosting Thanksgiving at our house this year. I love doing this, even though I stress myself out a little over it. Everyone contributes a couple of things so no one has to do everything.

Since moving back to Arkansas and close to family, our guest list always includes my parents, Mark's parents, my siblings and their spouses and children. I was discussing our plans with someone yesterday and he was surprised that we were having both sets of grandparents over together - at the same time. I have begun to take this for granted, and I really should not.

When I was growing up, Thanksgiving usually meant a trip to Conway, Arkansas to see my grandparents. My father's parents lived a block and a half from my mother's mother. On the same street. I guess I should be grateful that at least they lived close enough for us to walk back and forth, because they were not going to get together and share anything.

My boys have no idea how nice it is to have grandparents who all get along. They just accept it as how it is. For that I am thankful.

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