Friday, June 06, 2008

What Time is it? Summertime!

School is out and I think I am at least as excited about that as the boys. We are sleeping in and goofing off this week. Love it.

Jonathan has had a bad case of swimmer's ear, so we have not been to the pool since Memorial Day. He is a pretty tough guy, but this had him in tears. He is better now, thank goodness.

I think we are going to see Kung Fu Panda this afternoon. It looks pretty silly to me and I have been trying to get out of going to this one, but the reviews were better than I expected and the boys really want to see it.

Next week Jackson is going to be in a day camp at one of the local universities. This is his third and last year to attend this particular camp. We love it. It is science focused and so much fun. Even more exiting for me is what he is not doing next week: Cub Scout Day Camp. We have done this for the past three years and we have "been there, done that, gotten the ugly shirts to prove it." It is always too hot and chaotic for me. It is great for the boys and they have fun, but I am thrilled not to be going this year.

The thing we are really excited about is our vacation trip. We are going to the Virgin Islands! We are going to both US and British islands while we are there. If going to the Virgin Islands were not exciting enough, we get to see some of our dearest friends there AND they are going to take us out on their catamaran for a day or two. Seriously, we are in excitement overload here.

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