Wednesday, July 16, 2008

What's New?

This has been a crazy week. (It is a crazy month actually.)

Mark and I celebrated our anniversary Saturday night with a wonderful dinner at Sonny William's Steakhouse in Little Rock. Just before we left for Little Rock, I found out that my (great) Aunt Mildred had passed away. I had not seen her in years, but she was a part of my childhood and I loved her. I want to say more about her in another post.

Now, back to the craziness. I had to take Mark to the airport early Sunday morning, after I checked out of the hotel I had to go get the boys from Mark's parents in Bryant. VBS started Sunday night and I am helping with registration. We are having a busy, great time! The boys are attending a Sports Camp at the Country Club this week from 9-2. Trying to juggle Camp and VBS and funeral stuff has been exhausting.

Then I got home yesterday and Stephanie had invited me to join Facebook. I've been curious anyway, so I did it. I am now on Facebook. So now I have another thing to waste time on when I should be doing something constructive.

1 comment:

SG said...

Well at least your connecting with others as you waste time...that's what I'm telling myself!