Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Yes, I Still Have a Blog

For some reason my kids told me today that I need to update my blog. Do they read my blog? No. Will they even know if I do update my blog? Not unless I tell them Why do they care? I have no clue.

It feels like we are living life in the fast lane, and I don't like it. When I was a kid (way back in the dark ages), summer lasted forever. Or at least it felt that way. I know that time seems to go faster as you get older, but I think even the kids feel this summer is going too fast.

I am not ready for school to start. In three weeks! Yikes! I feel like I need to hurry and make more memories with the boys. We need more lazy, do-nuthin' days.

I am not ready for Jackson the be in 4th grade; his last year at our elementary school. I am not ready for Jonathan to be in 6th grade. I remember 6th grade - it does not seem possible that I have a child that old.

OK, so I do not have any words of wisdom to share or deep thoughts I need to publish. This is just what is on my mind right now.

There, I am updated.


SG said...

You are funny. i feel the same. fast lane. need more summer . want to make more memories. How do we slow this ride down????

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