Friday, February 18, 2005

I Never Either

I just could not resist:

I have never eaten a chicken fried steak (gag).
I have never lived anywhere but a Southern state.
I have never given birth to a girl.
I have never had a nephew.
I have never been snow skiing.
I have never jumped out of an airplane.
I have never understood why my husband wants to jump out of another airplane.
I have never been to Europe.
I have never been to Denver.
I have never been to a country music concert.
I have never owned a pickup truck.
I never dated a guy who drove a pickup truck.
I have never owned a cat.
I have never been to Canton, Texas or Branson, Missouri.
I have never broken a bone.
I have never been hospitalized for anything other than childbirth.
I have never been in the military.
I have never been to Las Vegas.
I have never had a tattoo.
I have never wanted a tattoo.
I have never lost a parent.
I have never lost a child.
I have never ceased to be amazed at my children.
I have never read a Harlequin Romance novel.
I have never met a chocolate that I did not like.
I have never been high or stoned.
I never dated a guy who was a member of the Church of Christ.

That is all I can think of for now, but I am sure I will add a few more later.


Donna G said...

Chicken Fried Steak with Gravy!! How can you dis such a treat!

But I too have never snow skied, sky dived, or been to Vegas, nor do I want or have a tattoo!

Susie said...

I'm with Donna--how can you not like chicken fried steak??? I grew up with it--I think it's the state food of Texas--LOL!

No tattoos here either, but I'm with you on the chocolate! : )

Cheers! : )

SG said...

OK Now How is it possible that I am out of fingers even before Canton? How did you escape Canton? Now I know where we need to go together next!!!
Seriosly I never knew this about you and I am laughing out loud!!! :) Love this post!