Monday, March 20, 2006

A Helping Hand...I Hope

This afternoon I am flying to Bethesda, Maryland with my sister and my niece. Caroline is going to her second round of therapy at the Spectrum Center. Caroline is 3 1/2 and has PDD (Pervasive Development Disorder). It is a Autisim spectrum disorder, which means she has many autisic-like symptoms. She does not talk and that is what we are hoping this therapy can help. The therapy is call the Tomatis method and it is very interesting, although I do not fully understand it.

For the first round, the family drove up there and spent three weeks. My brother-in-law, Larry, could not go this time so Jennifer enlisted my help so they could fly up there. Caroline has never flown before, so this could be interesting.

If you read this, please pray that we have a safe, uneventful flight and that this therapy will help Caroline. She is a beautiful little girl and it is hard to see her struggle. It is also very difficult to see how hard this has been on my sister.

I will be back Thursday night. Have a great week.

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