Saturday, December 16, 2006

Long Time Gone

Has it really been over a month since I posted? Apparently so. 'Tis the season to be busy! I don't have any great stories to share at the moment, so how 'bout some more pictures? (This is for you Stephanie.)

The day before Thanksgiving, we went to south Arkansas to visit some of Mark's family. Jonathan took his BB gun for a little practice. He's pretty good. He has not shot anything living yet, thank goodness!

Jackson wanted to try his skills. He needs a little more practice.

"The cousins" at Gran and Granddad's house: Caroline, Jackson, Jonathan and a very reluctant Ella.

This was one of my early attempts at getting our Christmas card picture. Not quite the winner that I hoped it would be. Actually, this is not the winner at all.

We went to Sears to have pictures made with all four cousins. This was a major ordeal. First was getting outfits to coordinate, then just finding a date that we could all meet was a huge hurdle. Finally we are all there with fingers crossed. With a 2-year-old girl , an Autistic 4-year-old girl, and two fidgety 6 and 8 year old boys, you just never know what to expect. The kids were fabulous! Unfortunately, the pictures were not. I did get this one of my boys though.

We have a winner! This is the picture I finally chose for the Christmas card. Not all that Christmasy, but cute I think.

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