Tuesday, May 15, 2007

A Birthday Party, Shedd Aquarium, a Baptism and a Funeral

The title of this post tells you briefly what we have done in the past 5 days. Yes, only 5 days. It seems more like a month. Really, that is more than we do most months, but that is how it happened.

Thursday was Jackson's 7th birthday. We were going to have a family dinner Thursday night, then go to San Antonio to Sea World for the weekend. Well, Mark's schedule would not allow that, so we decided to go with him to Chicago a day early and go to the aquarium. Oh, but we have all this catfish that the Cub Scouts caught at the Fishing Derby, so let's have a fish fry. OK, so now the plan is to have a party at our house Thursday night, get up before dawn on Friday to go to Chicago, fly home Saturday and host house church on Sunday. OK.

Sooooo...the party goes off well. Pretty low stress actually since I did almost no cooking.

We got to Chicago, very cool hotel. Walk to Shedd Aquarium in the wind. Loved the aquarium. It is truly amazing. Stumble back to the hotel in the very cold, strong wind. Rest, dinner downstairs, bed.

Saturday morning we are have a late breakfast and are discussing the rest of the day when I get a phone call. A dear, sweet man, the father of a dear, sweet friend, has passed away unexpectedly. The funeral will be Monday. In Paris, Texas.

The boys and I fly home, Mark goes on to work. I stop on the way home and buy something new to wear to the funeral. Stop at parent's house and ask if we can borrow their new car to drive to Texas because the timing belt on the van needs to be changed and, most importantly in my mind, the air conditioner is not working. And we are going to Texas. Parents ask us to join them for Mother's Day brunch at the Country Club after church Sunday.

Sunday morning we are later than usual for church. A friend tells me that he daughter is going to be baptised after church and she would like for the house church members to be there. Call my parents and tell them we will be later than expected for lunch. Stick around to see Maddie be baptised by her uncle, Mike Cope. I always like for the boys to witness a baptism, but this was special because they know and look up to Maddie.

Lunch was enjoyable. Home to unpack and repack. Finalize plans of where to stay. Hotels in Paris or only motels? Never mind, we are going to stay with the family. The boys rejoice. Drive straight through to Mt. Pleasant, Texas and enjoy time with our dear friends. Monday morning eight people manage to get ready with only one bathroom available. And we were pretty much on time. The funeral was nice, very touching. The oldest grandson did a wonderful tribute to his "Paw paw". Saw people we used to go to church with including Ron Rose and Antique Mommy. After lunch we drive the long way home and finally get back home about 7:30pm.

Tuesday look at mountain of laundry and decide to blog instead.

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